Founder: Ms. Alka Sharma
Qualification: MA in Education, Management, and Psychology

As a person she is a wonderful soul, by her Profession, She is a Psychologist, specialized in Counseling. She has done a diploma in Counselling and Guidance from NCERT.

She has more than six years experience of working in Education institutions, Where She realized the need of young generation to choose their career wisely, and She decided to become Certified Career Counselor, She learnt how to do Guidance to Adolescents and Career Counselling in DCGC – NCERT

She is Certified Career Counsellor under the guidance of Dr.Chinu Agrawal Psychologist & Psychotherapist, Director - Feeling Minds She does career counselling by the scientifically validated and reliable Psychometric test Protocol based on international parameters. She has enjoyed her childhood in villages and seen the many Indian States because her father used to post in different states during services in the Indian Army. Where She observed the different- different situations and style of parenting in India, Where she feel that something more can make it in a better way.

This will support parents to raise children rationally, so she decided to study deep in Psychological way and aspects of Parenting and get also trained in Parenting Counselling and become Certified Parenting Expert?

Ms.Alka Sharma personally a pure soul in the form of human being, her life is very practical and grounded. Her Grandfather late Sh. Hiralal Sharma was great Freedom Fighter for India. Her father Sh.D.P Sharma, who served the nation as his services in the Indian Army. She is highly inspired by her Grandfather and Father, Mother who always did efforts for the right education for her Daughters. She learned many things minutely in her childhood.